Hines Global Income Trust Acquires Land in Madrid for Future Logistics Development Adjacent to Airbus Project

April 25, 2022

(MADRID) – Hines, the glob­al real estate firm, announced today that Hines Glob­al Income Trust (“HGIT”) has acquired sev­er­al plots of land in the Corre­dor del Henares sub­mar­ket from Grupo Bar­ral. The land is adja­cent to the indus­tri­al and office com­plex of Air­bus Defence and Space S.A.U it had pur­chased in June 2020, cre­at­ing a plot total­ing 97,798 square metres.

The prop­er­ty spans 54,338 square metres and faces the A2 high­way, a five-minute dri­ve from Madrid’s air­port and 20 min­utes from Madrid city centre.

With the acqui­si­tion, HGIT intends to build a high-qual­i­ty logis­tics park cov­er­ing more than 65,000 square metres in one of the most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas of Madrid to meet sig­nif­i­cant last mile ecom­merce demand. The project will tar­get BREEAM (Build Research Estab­lish­ment Envi­ron­men­tal Assess­ment Method­ol­o­gy) Excel­lent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, demon­strat­ing its com­mit­ment to sustainability.

Omar Thowfeek, man­ag­ing direc­tor of invest­ments for HGIT, com­ment­ed, This acqui­si­tion and expan­sion of our cur­rent invest­ment in Madrid will help cre­ate the most effi­cient lay­out for a best-in-class last-mile logis­tics com­plex in a prime loca­tion with strong trans­port connectivity.”

Vanes­sa Gela­do, senior man­ag­ing direc­tor and coun­try head of Hines Spain, added, Corre­dor del Henares is con­sid­ered one of the best loca­tions in Madrid to estab­lish a state-of-the art logis­tics park. Thanks to its pre­mier loca­tion, the project will have the poten­tial to be a key logis­tics hub con­nect­ing Madrid with the rest of Spain.”

This pur­chase is intend­ed to bol­ster fur­ther the portfolio’s Euro­pean logis­tics pres­ence, which includes 12 indus­tri­al assets in six coun­tries. HGIT is diver­si­fied by geog­ra­phy and real estate sec­tors, with a focus on sta­ble assets with strong long-term income poten­tial. Its $2.9 bil­lion port­fo­lio is weight­ed by near­ly two-thirds to the indus­tri­al and liv­ing sectors.

The acqui­si­tion has been financed by Ban­co San­tander, which will also finance the devel­op­ment. Knight Frank and EY rep­re­sent­ed HGIT dur­ing the trans­ac­tion, while EY rep­re­sent­ed Grupo Barral.

About Hines Glob­al Income Trust
HGIT is a pub­lic, non-list­ed real estate invest­ment trust spon­sored by Hines. It com­menced oper­a­tions in 2014 and invests in com­mer­cial real estate invest­ments locat­ed in the Unit­ed States and inter­na­tion­al­ly. For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about HGIT, vis­it www​.hines​glob​al​in​cometrust​.com.

About Hines
Hines is a pri­vate­ly owned glob­al real estate invest­ment firm found­ed in 1957 with a pres­ence in 285 cities in 28 coun­tries. Hines over­sees invest­ment assets under man­age­ment val­ued at approx­i­mate­ly $90.3 bil­lion¹. In addi­tion, Hines pro­vides third-par­ty prop­er­ty-lev­el ser­vices to 373 prop­er­ties total­ing 114.2 mil­lion square feet. His­tor­i­cal­ly, Hines has devel­oped, rede­vel­oped or acquired approx­i­mate­ly 1,530 prop­er­ties, total­ing over 511 mil­lion square feet. The firm cur­rent­ly has more than 198 devel­op­ments under­way around the world. With exten­sive expe­ri­ence in invest­ments across the risk spec­trum and all prop­er­ty types, and a foun­da­tion­al com­mit­ment to ESG, Hines is one of the largest and most-respect­ed real estate orga­ni­za­tions in the world.

Since enter­ing Europe in 1991, Hines has grown its Euro­pean plat­form to include offices in 17 cities as well as a pres­ence in 60 cities in 14 coun­tries. Hines over­sees invest­ment assets under man­age­ment val­ued at approx­i­mate­ly €24.5 bil­lion and pro­vides third-par­ty prop­er­ty-lev­el ser­vices total­ing 4.3 mil­lion square metres in Europe, in Aus­tria, Czech Repub­lic, Den­mark, Fin­land, France, Ger­many, Greece, Ire­land, Italy, Nether­lands, Poland, Spain and the Unit­ed King­dom. Vis­it www​.hines​.com for more infor­ma­tion. ¹In­cludes both the glob­al Hines orga­ni­za­tion as well as RIA AUM as of 31 Decem­ber 2021.

For­ward-Look­ing State­ments
State­ments in this press release, includ­ing inten­tions, beliefs, expec­ta­tions or pro­jec­tions relat­ing to the acqui­si­tion described here­in, are for­ward-look­ing state­ments with­in the mean­ing of Sec­tion 27A of the Secu­ri­ties Act of 1933, as amend­ed, and Sec­tion 21E of the Secu­ri­ties Exchange Act of 1934, as amend­ed. Such state­ments are based on cur­rent expec­ta­tions and assump­tions with respect to, among oth­er things, the poten­tial for growth in the logis­tics sec­tor and poten­tial future invest­ments in the sec­tor by Hines Glob­al Income Trust, the poten­tial long-term per­for­mance of this prop­er­ty, future eco­nom­ic, com­pet­i­tive and mar­ket con­di­tions and future busi­ness deci­sions that may prove to be incor­rect or inac­cu­rate. Impor­tant fac­tors that could cause actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from those in the for­ward-look­ing state­ments include the risks asso­ci­at­ed with Hines being able to suc­cess­ful­ly man­age the prop­er­ty, risks asso­ci­at­ed with an eco­nom­ic down­turn in the region or the urban logis­tics sec­tor, and oth­er risks described in the Risk Fac­tors” sec­tion of Hines Glob­al Income Trust’s most recent Annu­al Report on Form 10‑K, as updat­ed by its oth­er fil­ings with the Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion. You are cau­tioned not to place undue reliance on any for­ward-look­ing statements.

Press Contact
Erica Campbell

212 294 9024