Advanced Manufacturing Portfolio

Santa Clara, California

Industrial campus located in Silicon Valley, the world’s premier technology market

Advanced Man­u­fac­tur­ing Port­fo­lio is a man­u­fac­tur­ing, research and devel­op­ment cam­pus in San­ta Clara, Cal­i­for­nia, a sub­mar­ket of Sil­i­con Val­ley. The prop­er­ty is in close prox­im­i­ty to mul­ti­ple For­tune 500 head­quar­ters and campuses. 

Property Highlights
  • Four-building manufacturing, research and development campus
  • Located immediately off Highway 101 near San Jose International Airport
  • An approximately eight mile drive to San Jose and 50 miles to San Francisco
Major Tenants
  • Intevac
    Government contractor; develops essential film technology for national defense
  • Comtech Xicom
    Supplier of satellite amplifiers, both military and private sector
  • Cleanpart SET
    Provides high-tech coating services for semiconductor components and a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
  • Pacific Ceramics
    Leading manufacturer of microwave ceramics materials and supplier to Raytheon, Honeywell and Northtrop Grumman
Property Type
  • Industrial
  • Hines Global Income Trust
  • Santa Clara, California
Acquisition Date
  • August 31, 2020
  • Four buildings
    417,392 square feet
    100% leased
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