Nashville Self-Storage Portfolio

Greater Nashville, Tennessee

Modern, Class A self-storage portfolio

This self-stor­age port­fo­lio in greater Nashville con­sists of five Class A, cli­mate-con­trolled prop­er­ties in qual­i­ty loca­tions. One unit is locat­ed in urban Nashville, one in Franklin, one in Hen­der­son­ville and two in the Murfrees­boro area. 

Property Highlights
  • 3,203 climate-controlled units across five properties
  • Three- and four-story buildings served by interior access and elevators
  • On-site management offices with packing and shipping-related retail
Property Type
  • Other
  • Hines Global Income Trust
  • Greater Nashville, Tennessee
Acquisition Date
  • July 7, 2022
  • 341,000 square feet
    92% leased
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